I consider parenting to be one of the most important and most enjoyable things my parents got to do in their life. So, I think about it a lot, read about it, research it, and I write about it. a must read, reach me at archileeslukonge@gmail.com




This journey would not have been possible without the support of my family, proffessors, and mentors, and friends. To my family, thank you for encouraging me in all of my pursuits and inspiring me to follow my dreams, iam especially greatful to my parents, who supported me emotionally and financially. I always knew that you believed in me and wanted the best for me. Thank you for teaching me that my job in life was to learn, to be happy, and to know and understand myself; only then could I know and understand others. Thank you my mother, Nakayemba Rose, for guiding me as aperson, a social worker, psychologist and teacher to finish my degree and giving me an upper hand in this process of book writing.

I must thank all social work Lecturers and professors at Muteesa 1 Royal university whom I have worked with in editing this book, and those who tought me all what I know in social science structures, thanks for showing me what it means to be a dedicated, each in their own unique way. Each of you have given of your time, energy, and expertise and iam richer for it: Lecturer Lwanga Edward Bita, Lecturer Luttamaguzi John Bosco, Dr. Tumukunde Aloysious, Prof. Mukiibi Prof Mutaawe Richard, Lecturer Lukyamuzi Daniel, Lecturer Nakiyemba Christine, My father Deogracious Kaggwa Kaganda, and to my teacher in social affairs, Madam Namuwulya Alice, thank you for supporting me through out this process and to helping me explore ideas about researching beautiful important social aspects.

I would like to give special thanks to my inspiring roll models, I owe a debt of gratitude to Lecturer Lwanga Edward Bita for his time and careful attention to detail in everything I know in social work. To teacher Lukwago Ibrah I thank him for his untiring support and guidance throughout my journey. To my Father Profesor Mutaawe Richard and My senior Friend Bwanika Kizza Rogan Elemegio, who encouraged me to peruse the degree in social sciences and psychology, you have mentored me for almost 15 years. To Mr. Luttamaguzi John Bosco, thank you for modling great teaching and furthering my thinking about Social work and family, Psychology, anthropology, social work theories, community rehabilitation, social work intervation, and many others, Mr. Lwanga E.Bita thanks for furthering my thinking about Socialogy, and statistics in social research, Mr. Mukiibi Andrew Adrian thank you for furthering my thinking about Gender mainstreaming, Research Methodology. Dr. Tumukunde Aloysious you modeled me in Social work courses.

To my roommates, thank you for listening, offering me advise and supporting me through this entire process, special thanks to my Muteesa I royal university friends; Baligabye John Bosco, Lukwago Wasswa Ibrah, Makumbi Bruno, Bbaale Muchafu Junior, Nabulonge Jackline, Marine Carine, Kyeyune James,  Nalinnya Shama, Akatusaasira Marion, Natulinda Prudence, Waliggo Kenneth, Luswata Shafik, Kizito Abdu, Okot Ben Weza, Eripu Bruno, Katushabe Gloria, Johanna Patronella, Namagembe Dorah, Humaya Swalehe, Nakabira Sohadu, Musimenta Sarah, Kwagala Betty, Erumbi Ritah, Kasibante Gilbert, Matovu Steven, Namatovu Safinah. Nakafuuma Lilian, Nambalirwa Diana. Nabbaale Shamim, Ssembatya Deo. Nannyonjo Hajarah, Kamya Adam, Eng Lumu Jessy Sserunkuuma. Faith Vero, The debates, coursework, chats, texts, exams advice, rides to tours, fun in lecture room, and general help and friendship were all appreciated.

To my village mates Lugemwa Brian, Kasekende Tonny, Kaggwa Mathias, Luswata Philip, Namukasa Rose, Ssembatya Bazil, Kizza Lwerimba Mujapan, Ssendago Rogers, Namuli Magret, Sserwadda Joseph, Lutaaya Lawrence, Mandoni,  Danio Kenzo, Kato emanuel, Muteesasira Lazarus,

To my OB’S and OG’s Kibaale Primary and St marys Ssanje Kabugo Gerald, Lumala John, Ssentumbwe Sharif, Ssentongo David, Ssekyanzi Anthony, Ssebadda Nichorus, Namugumya Mary, Ssozi Edward, Mutunzi Jude, Ssengonzi peter, Mugalula Lawrence, Kalita,  Luswata Erias, Namiiro Eveline, Kasembe Angella, Mulindwa Tonny, Nansasi Sylivia, Bamutengire Florence, Nakato Anella, Ojirot Isaac, Ssenyonjo Abdumalik, Paul Alpha, Mugera Rogers, Ampulire Steven. the list is endless.

To my OB’s and OG’s Kabale Ssanje, Baligabye John Bosco, Kakunini Alonso, Kyamukuuma Samuel, Ssuuna Dominic, Katende Edward, Muchunguzi Remigius, Sseguya Islam, Nantongo Ritah, Muwawu Ronald, Naava Jacky, Nanyondo Agnes, Stella Birungi, Nakiganda Milly, Rosha Kelly, Kabuye Dickson, Wasswa Ronald, Kasagga Hamza, Nangabi Aisha, Kasule Richard, Matovu David, Kambiaso Timothy, Musasizi Richard, Kalibbala Micheal, Munono Abdu, Matovu Isaac, Kiwummulo Joseph, Nantongo Josephine, Nannono Catehrine, Jerico, Nasolo Jacky, Kulwa maige, Noreen, Kiyimba John Bosco, Wasswa Francis, Kayondo Gerald, Muchunguzi Ezra, Kays, Kisuule Paul, Mulindwa Jorge William, Mutagubya Moses, Sabrano Ssabastian Ssentume, Muto Ibrahim. the list is endless. And to my friends scattered around the country, that you for your thoughts, well wishes/players, phone calls, emails, texts, visits, editing advice, and being there wherever I needed a friend.

To my brothers and sisters, Bukenya Richard, Namikyo Regina, Nabasese Jastine, Kannyana David, Namatovu Annet, Nabayunga Doreen, Mutaawe Julius, Messiah Anthony, Matovu Anthony, Nakyondwa Prossy, Mutaawe Emanuel, Lubega Talemwa, my Father Kaganda Deogracious Kaggwa, and my mother Nakayemba Rose, thank you to be there always, you raised me well and shaped me into a very important person.

To my family, RODI family headed by Prof. Mutaawe Richard and Prof. Londo Johnson, you are the reason why I finished my studies, no words can describe your presence in my life, and may God bless you all.

To my mentors at a work place PTMOF, Maama Ptmof, Mrs. Solome Nanvule, Mrs. Namuwulya Alice, Nagawa Mariam, Nakulima Winnie, Nakaweesi Agather, Nakalumba Salma , and mentors from Lwemodde, Speaker Bbaale Mudashiru, Chairperson Lusiba Mikidaadi, Mayinja Hassan, Nakamya Sylivia, Namuwawu Sylivia, Wetaka Neithan.

To my mentor Sue Taylor from United States of America, thank you for your guiding advice, thoughts, and building words, and all things you have done toward my life.

About the author

Lukonge Achilees is highly experienced social worker, psychologist, counselor/therapist currently working at Pelletier teenage mothers foundation (PTMOF) with the remarkable ability to create, discover and tell important social work articles that can teach us all the most important lessons in our families, health and our life. With Make me understand about family and health, he strives especially to help parents, children, students in social work learn how to nurture a health family. Providing them opportunities for getting help in matters concerning family, and to help students and parents understand their roles and responsibilities in upbringing a child, in a health environment.

Make me understand about family and health is a must read for everyone in the family, and those working with children like care givers, teachers, guides and others fall in that category. Lukonge Achilees takes the reader on a wonderful journey, balancing all family and health sections, good therapeutic technique, and family empirical styles during the trip. Given that Lukonge Achilees elaborated aspects required in nurturing a health family, and any reader using this resource should increase their understanding of how family works, and how to raise good children, and how to stay safe and healthy in the family system.

Make me understand about family and health is a fantastic book, well executed by a master! Achilees, systematically leads readers through every step of raising children, and provides examples for achieving a wide variety of specific goals.

Who this book is for

We all believe being a parent is one of the most important jobs we can do, but it can also be one of the most difficult and we all have had times when we are frustrated, confused and stressed by our children. Therefore,

This handbook is written for parents of young children, teens, youth, and adolescents.Students who are doing social sciences, those wish to join and those who are practicing it.

This handbook is for Therapists/Counselors, Teachers, Lecturers, Activists, and everyone working with children, youth, adolescents in families and community members.

It aims to give you a beater understanding of your child’s behavior and what is it that your child is trying to communicate through their behavior.

It also offers parenting tips and ideas on how to raise and nurture a good health child. It gives you a step-by-step guide for child development and parenting infants aged from 0-2 years, child development and parenting early childhood aged 3-7 years, child development and parenting of middle childhood aged 8-11, child development and parenting adolescents aged 12-24.

Consists of both theories and practical parts that take you through early child development techniques.

This books also aimed at anyone who experiences anxiety, stress, and depression, it looks into the causes, its effects, symptoms, and what to do to reduce it to a manageable level, it further draws some of research findings about stress, anxiety and depression caused during early stages that can cause negative impact of a child at later stages.

This books aims to teach family members how to treat themselves using home remedies and tips in preventing expensive diseases like Cancer, heart diseases, skin diseases, cold and flue, hepatitis B, asthma to improve health and reducing costs of treatment.

It further dig deep to understand right approach to combat HIV/AIDS and other Sexually transmitted diseases, importance of circumcision and attitudes towards it.

This handbook further aims to make us understand about our social family addictive behaviors like masturbation and its effects to our general health, drug addiction and its effects and practical guide to combat all forms of social family addictive behaviors

This handbook aims to make us understand about the importance of fitness, exercise, diet and nutrition at home, foods that we must eat on breakfast, lunch, and supper, for children and adults and food we must stop to take.

It teaches us therapy at home or in families, its importations, right time to see a therapist, domestic violence and its effects and a step by step guide to counseling and guidance.

Lastly it has go good classic stories for babies and children, it will help your little one to explore the hysterical wonders of the world through tales that can help to build their cognition and memory

From the experience

I consider parenting to be one of the most important and most enjoyable things my parents got to do in their life. So, I think about it a lot, read about it, research it, and I write about it. I think parental choices and attitudes matter a great deal in our children’s lives. Parents like my parent sometimes get bad rap, for sure we are accused of being too involved.

My parents are what researchers call a “child centric parent” this means they tend to put their child’s well being above their own well being. I call that evolution tomato-tomato I guess. Whatever you want to call it, recent research suggests that by putting our children’s well being above our own, we experience a bump in our well being as parents.

This development is big because on the other side of this argument is the idea that we have to put ourselves first in order to be good a parent and have a good family life. My opinion lies somewhere in the middle, as I as grew up seeing my parent love time with family, and friends, working, and going to the events. However, they have also been known to turn down an opportunity or event because it would take them away from their children for too long, after all their kids happen to be the coolest people they know on this planet.

Tell me about the study

The research actually includes two studies. In the first study, the researchers surveyed, parents on child centricism, parent styles and well-being. They found that parents, who were more child-centric, reported higher levels of happiness and meaning associated with parenting role. Taken at face value this gives with my parents’ experience of parenting, therefore they do enjoy spending time with their kids, don’t always love leaving them and would happily sacrifice for them

The first study relied entirely on self report and therefore could have been affected  in social desirability in how parents report. Therefore the second study used a diary reconstruction method. This basically means, the researchers asked the parents to walk with them through the previous day and related how they felt during each activity, for each activity like walking the kids to school, parents rated their positive effect, negative effect and sense of meaning during the activity. Not surprisingly, parents who were child centric reported higher levels of positive effect and meaning the lower levels of negative effect when they were involved in child care activities

In other words, child centric parents enjoy parenting, they are happy when they are parenting and they find parenting provides meaning and purpose in their lives

Here are my child centricism quiz

In measuring child centricism we go through series of items or tools, so be reviewing the questions below you will get the idea how child centric you are;

  1. my children are center of my life.
  2. the happiness of my children is more important to me than my own happiness
  3. my children are the most frequent topic of my discussion
  4. I don’t mind leaving my children to spend time with my friends (reverse the item)
  5. I would be willing to make almost any sacrifice for my children
  6. my schedule removes around my children
  7. the needs of my children come before my own.




About the author

What is this book for?


Preparing for the baby: the story

Over view


Introduction; overview of child development theories

Developmental channels and Theories of development

Developmental Stages milestones of child development

Sensitive periods in child development

Major child development theories and theorists

Sigmund freud’s psychosexual stages of development theory

Erik erikson’s psychosocial stage theory

Lawrence kohlberg’s moral understanding stage theory

Jean piaget’s cognitive development stage theory

Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological system theory



Infant development. How your baby grew and matures


Infancy Physical development

Infancy physical development. Motor skills

Infancy physical development. Gross motor skills

Infancy physical development. Fine motor skills

Infancy physical development. Average growth

Infancy coginitive development

Infancy cognitive development. Language development

Infancy Emotional/social development. Emotional expression and understanding

Infancy emotional and social development. Social connections

Infancy Sexuality and body awareness development

Infant parenting: keeping your baby healthy and happy


Holding and Physical support

Facilitating growth movement

Feeding and nutrition

How much to feed?

Expressing and storing Breast-feeding

Selecting and preparing bottles and how to feed

Burping and spitting up

When and what Solid foods to introduce?

Feeding solids and how to feed solid foods

How much to feed babies?


Elimination and how to diaper, and penis and cord care

Sleeping, Bathing and soothing a crying baby

Hygiene and dressing your baby

Well baby Checks and immunizations

Common baby concern, teething, colic, cough and colds, fever, diarrhea and vomiting.

Nurturing children, discipline, baby safety


Infant safety: keeping your baby safe

Introduction to infant safety

Playroom/nursery safety

Kitchen and bathroom safety

Fire/electrical, pet safety, and car safety.

Out door safety and preparing for the worst



Development during early childhood, toddler, and pre-school stages

Introduction: development during early childhood

Early childhood development average growth

Physical development. Fine motor skills

Early childhood physical development. Toilet training

Early childhood cognitive development. Introduction

Early childhood cognitive development symbolic function

Early childhood cognitive development intuitive thought

Early childhood cognitive development. Language development

Early childhood emotional and social development. Emotional expressiveness and understanding.

Early childhood emotional and social development. Reflective empathy

Early childhood emotional and social development. Aggression


Early childhood emotional and social development identity and self-esteem

Early childhood emotional and social development social connections

Early childhood moral development

Early childhood gender identity and sexuality


Parenting your toddler, preschooler, and young child.

Early childhood Toilet training introduction

Introduction to parenting your toddler, preschooler, and young child.

Early childhood feeding and nutrition

Early childhood sleep

Early childhood hygiene

Early childhood exercise

Early childhood love and nurturing

Early childhood, its important to encourage reading

Early childhood medical care

Early childhood mental care

Early childhood safety

Coping with transitions in early childhood: Getting a new sibling or remaining an only child

Coping with transition in early childhood. Going to day care

Coping with transition. Starting pre-school or kindergarten


Early childhood toilet training

Early childhood toilet training introduction

The right time to start toilet training. Children’s readiness

The right time to start toilet training. Family readiness and red flags

Pre-toilet training in early childhood

Preparing the space for toilet training in early childhood

Toilet training friendly friendly clothing

Early childhood toilet training methods


How to deal with toilet training challenges? When traveling

How to deal with toilet training challenges? Constipation and fear of flushing

Bed-wetting, encopresis and enuresis


Disciplining your toddler, preschooler, and young introduction

Preventing early childhood misbehavior before it happens

The use of choice in early childhood

A step-by-step guide for how to discipline children in early childhood

Natural and logical consequences in early childhood

Combining choice and consequences in early childhood

Childhood time outs

Spanking in early childhood

Coordinating to provide continuity of early childhood discipline across caregivers

Lying in early childhood

Supportive communication in early childhood and discipline


Nurturing your toddler, preschooler, and young children


Creating nurturing space in early childhood

Physical nurturing. Gross motor activities in early child hood

Physical nurturing fine motor activities in early childhood

Cognitive nurturing in early childhood

Social nurturing in early childhood

Emotional nurturing in early childhood

Cultural and spiritual nurturing in early childhood

Nurturing at home and outside.



            Nurturing your middle childhood


Child feeding and nutrition

Components of healthy meals and importance of water

Child sleeping, and managing children’s insomnia

Child hygiene and appearance

Preventive health care, dental and vision car, sun safety,

Common childhood illnesses

Middle Children safety


Automobiles, walking and biking safety, stranger danger, leaving children home alone, out door safety, swimming pool safety.

Middle Children education


Education and schools,

Engaging with teachers, the school, other parents and the educational process

Helping children get their home work done

Handling school related discipline incidents and planning in advance for school closings and sick days.

Middle Child discipline and guidance


Choices and consequences

Grounding children and sticker charts

Children cores, nurturing and children’s need for privacy

Dealing with difficult middle childhood issues


Dealing with life’s tough topics like death, parents’ divorce and remarriage, step parenting, blended families, moving to new house, fitting in and peer pressure,

Teaching in children social skills,

Cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs at home,

Romantic crushes and questions about sex

Sibling rivalry, encouraging children to support one another by diverting direct competition, and handling manipulative or aggressive children

Bullying and peer abuse and prejudice.



Child development theory. Adolescence

What is adolescence? And an introduction to adolescence development

An overview of adolescence development

Adolescence physical development

Adolescence cognitive development

Adolescence emotional development

Adolescence social development

Adolescence moral development

Adolescence sexual development

Middle to late adolescence ages (15-22) the age of romance



Introduction to Internet addiction

Symptoms of Internet addiction and Internet addiction treatment

Children and media issues

Types of media, its benefits and challenges

Managing and controlling children media usage as a parent at home.





What is fitness, diet, and nutrition

Get to know that sitting just 1 hour hurts your heart.

Learn ways to sit less if you have a desk job.

Ways exercise and practicing yoga makes you look and feel younger

Starting fitness and exercise at home for free, home guide.

A look at dieting myths before you make a decision

Top food that you shouldn’t miss in your home and why?

Top tips for cheap and healthy eating

Top unhealthy food on the planet that you should avoid right now.


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

           What is HIV/AIDS?

Facts about HIV/AIDS worldwide.

How parents and caregivers talk with their children about HIV/AIDS (how do I begin to talk with my children about HIV/AIDS)

Talking with infants and toddlers (0-2years), talking with preschool children (3-4years), talking with young children (5-8 years), talking with preteens (9-12years) talking with teens (13-19 years)

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDS)

Questions and answers


Questions and answers


Home pathetic approach to cancer treatment

What is cancer?

General causes of cancer

20 types of cancer its causes and prevention using home remedies.

How to fight off 6 man killing cancer

Questions and answers



Stress management

What is stress?

Is stress a big issue?

Causes of stress

Effects of stress

Coping up with stress

Anxiety and depression management

What is anxiety and depression?

What triggers teen depression

Signs and symptoms of teen depression

Types of teen depression

Depression in adults

Causes of adult depression

Signs and symptoms of adult depression

Treatment for anxiety and depression

Research facts about stress, anxiety and depression

Did you know?

Maternal depression more likely at 4 years than 1 year

Depressed parents may hinder child school performance

Kids needs father when mother is depressed

Father’s depression can also influence child’s health

Chronic child illness tied to adult mental health problems

Early child mental disorders linked to longer physical problems

Strong dad-child bond may buffer against mums depression

Child abuse linked to adolescent self-injury

Being bullied increases likelihood of self-harm

Simple assessment identifies teen at risk

Increases openness improves everything.

Therapy at home

A story from Pricilla

Benefits of therapy and tips to know when to see a therapist

Mindfulness basic therapy

Antisocial behaviors

Drug addiction in families

Masturbation and its effects


Two flogs

On the way to the sun

The flog prince

The hare and monkey

The hare, lion and leopard

The bad girl

Lenny the flying inventor

The ass’s shadow

The hungry mouse

The crooked hyena

The donkey and little dog

Love and time

The miser

The snow queen

The stonecutter

Resources, references, and other sources of this book


Published by Lukonge Achilees

Achilees Lukonge is a Professional Social worker, Economist, Historian and IT expert, he is respected Author and Advocate of Economic, Social, and Spiritual empowerment for Children, girl child, disabilities, and Vulnerable poor. His Social and Humantarian work has reached the lives of thousands of children, young mothers, and youth in Uganda. Achilees' most recent initiatives include founding Give a hand to the Poor Arch Foundation (GIHPAF) that helps vulnerabilities access to social needs and education. The Dream Academy (TDA) that teaches vulnerable poor Computer and Technology helps many disadvantaged. Lukonge Achilles is a strong advocate for human rights include Children's rights, workers and activists. He Authoured Three books "Make Me Understand Family, Parenting and Health" a Parenting Book released in 2018, "The Dream From Dust" A creative Nonfiction Memoir released in 2021 and "A Breath of Life and Hope of Light" The first in A Historical True Crime Series "Blurred Light From West" released in 2023. He is Currently working on his Fourth Book, The Second in A serie

2 thoughts on “I consider parenting to be one of the most important and most enjoyable things my parents got to do in their life. So, I think about it a lot, read about it, research it, and I write about it. a must read, reach me at archileeslukonge@gmail.com

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