For you guys out there who take your spouse for granted.

Break ups are hard. Really hard. So much so that sometimes you end up questioning the decision to break up in the first place. And then, suddenly, without meaning to, you’re standing there with a bleeding heart and a blank text message addressed to him asking the golden question :

Should I get back together with him?,

Therefore, People Like Eddy Kenzo, Musuuza and other guys out there…. You should know:

Taking your spouse for granted and having no time for each other is a sure-fire way to have marriage fatigue set in. All too often when a marriage gets stale, people turn to extramarital affairs to spice up their humdrum life, and the 10 million married people outed by my research and experience, proves my point.

I’m stunned by many of my clents’ excuses as to why they have no time, desire, or energy to make love to their spouses. In no uncertain terms I respond, “It’s your job to keep your marriage partner from the temptations of the world. If you’re not making love to your spouse, someone out their will gladly do it for you.”

The good news is that with a little ingenuity monogamy doesn’t have to mean monotony.
If your love life has gotten a little stale lately, and you need to infuse some new life into it, why not try scheduling an affair with your spouse to spice things up?

Set aside an evening or a weekend on a regular basis where the two of you get dressed to the nines and wine and dine each other. Smartphones are banned from the table. Sit and talk and get to know each other all over again. Look each other in the eyes. Hold hands. Flirt with each other. Romance and seduce each other. Stop assuming that you know everything about your spouse. After dinner, check into a motel. Take your time and don’t rush things. Allow plenty of time for massages, caressing, and kissing. Allow time for cocooning afterwards. Cocooning is the art of deliberately locking the world away, so two lovers can timelessly and intimately embrace, energize, and enjoy each other. Bask in the afterglow of lovemaking by talking, touching, kissing, and hugging.

How many times have you saw these couple really show that they are in serious relationship?

Women needs love, much attention and care, they need your presence so its good to balance your musical journey, work and family, money is nothing when there is no love.

So, always,

Remember to schedule your affair in the day or early evening, so that you’re not too tired for post-sex intimacy. Wait, you can’t afford this? Need I remind you that a divorce is going to cost you a lot more in the long run, and if you let the flame of passion burn out in your relationship, divorce might one day become a very real scenario; so look at this expenditure as money well spent and good investment in your financial future.

Thanks from me, Counselor MRU.

Published by Lukonge Achilees

Achilees Lukonge is a Professional Social worker, Economist, Historian and IT expert, he is respected Author and Advocate of Economic, Social, and Spiritual empowerment for Children, girl child, disabilities, and Vulnerable poor. His Social and Humantarian work has reached the lives of thousands of children, young mothers, and youth in Uganda. Achilees' most recent initiatives include founding Give a hand to the Poor Arch Foundation (GIHPAF) that helps vulnerabilities access to social needs and education. The Dream Academy (TDA) that teaches vulnerable poor Computer and Technology helps many disadvantaged. Lukonge Achilles is a strong advocate for human rights include Children's rights, workers and activists. He Authoured Three books "Make Me Understand Family, Parenting and Health" a Parenting Book released in 2018, "The Dream From Dust" A creative Nonfiction Memoir released in 2021 and "A Breath of Life and Hope of Light" The first in A Historical True Crime Series "Blurred Light From West" released in 2023. He is Currently working on his Fourth Book, The Second in A serie

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