To Rema and all Ladies out their, understand when to let go.

I know Rema lost the battle at unexpected moment. I know there could be many reasons as to why she surrendered, those we could mimic, and those we dont know.

But, according to what Kenzo wrote yesterday in the last lines of his fairwell separation letter to Rema Namakula said,

“Yogayoga (Congratulations) Mr. Sebunya, yagala Rema, (Love Rema) your a man of her dreams, your the reason why she made such a big decision. She is living her dreams”

When you quote that statement, you could get answers , to me, Rema played a big role toward breakup, she had someone special she felt and liked to marry in future. But Kenzo was still loving her, to me he only lacked some basics that explain what marriage is, what you should do etc, this might be because of his young age and fame and popularity, since he raised his music talent at young age to become international star.

Rema being a top female musician in Uganda, she had dreams, She married Eddy Kenzo not because of love, not because they share same characters and personality, not because he was man of her dreams but Fame and popularity of Eddy Kenzo.

Rema played on minds of Ugandans, seeking attention for us to feel pitty for her about her relationship with Kenzo, she behaved as if Kenzo is Bad, dont love her, dont take care of her, dont give her time, she even expressed her feelings in her top hits like “Sirimuyembe” (iam not a mango that you wait to ripe). She did all that, to play kenzo victim in their relationship to pave way for her separation to meet the man of her dreams

All in all, they finally separated, but let ask ourselves, when and how to know its time to let go?

You cannot force yourself to let go, no matter how much you know you want to.

You cannot force something out of your brain space, no matter how much you don’t want it to be there.

You cannot just simply loosen your grip and relax a little and will yourself to stop thinking entirely about something around which your entire world used to orbit.

This is not how it goes.

You are not going to let go the moment someone tells you to “move on,” the day you realize you have to admit certain defeat, the heart-dropping second it occurs to you that hope is, indeed, futile.

You do not let go by simply willing yourself not to care anymore. This is something that people who have never been really, really hung up on something think. This is something that people who have never been deeply attached to something for a sense of safety and security and love and their future believe.

There is nothing wrong with you because you almost get angry when people tell you to just “let go” so nonchalantly, as though they couldn’t fathom the storms in your head and heart.

How can you become so passive about something you have spent so much of your time, and your life, actively working to maintain and restore?

You can’t.

You don’t.

You start to let go the day you take one step toward building a new life, and then let yourself lay and stare at the ceiling and cry for as many hours as you need.

You start to let go the day you realize that you cannot continue to revolve around a missing gap in your life, and going on as you were before will simply not be an option.

You start to let go the moment you realize that this is the impetus, this is the catalyst, this is that moment the movies are made about and the books are written around and songs are inspired by.

This is the moment you realize that you will never find peace standing in the ruins of what you used to be.

You can only move on if you start building something new.

You let go when you build a new life so immersive and engaging and exciting, you slowly, over time, forget about the past.

When we try to force ourselves to “let go” of something, we grip onto it tighter, and harder, and more passionately than ever before. It’s like if someone tells you to not think of a white elephant; that’s the only thing you’ll be able to focus on.

Our hearts work the same way as our minds in this regard. As long as we are telling ourselves that we must let go, the more deeply we feel attached.

So don’t tell yourself to let go.

Instead, tell yourself that you can cry for as long as you need. That you can fall to pieces and be a mess and let your life collapse and crumble. Tell yourself that you can let you foundation fall through.

What you will realize is that you are still standing.

What you build in the wake and the aftermath of loss will be so profound, so stunning, you will realize that maybe, the loss was part of the plan. Maybe it awakened a part of you that would have remained dormant had you not been pushed the way you were.

If you are certain that you cannot let go of what is hurting you, then don’t.

But take one step today, and then another tomorrow, to rebuild a new life for yourself. Piece by piece, day by day.

Because sooner or later, you’re going to go an hour and realize you didn’t think about them, or it. Then a day, then a week… and then years and swaths of your life drift by and everything you thought would break you becomes a distant memory, something you look back at and smile.

Everything you lose becomes something you are profoundly grateful for. With time, you see that it was not the path. It was what was standing in your way.

Published by Lukonge Achilees

Achilees Lukonge is a Professional Social worker, Economist, Historian and IT expert, he is respected Author and Advocate of Economic, Social, and Spiritual empowerment for Children, girl child, disabilities, and Vulnerable poor. His Social and Humantarian work has reached the lives of thousands of children, young mothers, and youth in Uganda. Achilees' most recent initiatives include founding Give a hand to the Poor Arch Foundation (GIHPAF) that helps vulnerabilities access to social needs and education. The Dream Academy (TDA) that teaches vulnerable poor Computer and Technology helps many disadvantaged. Lukonge Achilles is a strong advocate for human rights include Children's rights, workers and activists. He Authoured Three books "Make Me Understand Family, Parenting and Health" a Parenting Book released in 2018, "The Dream From Dust" A creative Nonfiction Memoir released in 2021 and "A Breath of Life and Hope of Light" The first in A Historical True Crime Series "Blurred Light From West" released in 2023. He is Currently working on his Fourth Book, The Second in A serie

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