Mother’s Day Quotes from Your Favorite Books. Enjoy your day mothers.

I’m author and book loverI hope you enjoy reading this post! If you’re like me and love to read, you are at the right place to enjoy hundreds of articles I published since 5 year ago. Mother’s Day is fast approaching, so I’ve put together this list of literary Mother’s Day quotes from my bookContinue reading “Mother’s Day Quotes from Your Favorite Books. Enjoy your day mothers.”

Your Created for Something Greater than your Life.

You are Created for Something Greater than Your Life: God intentionally placed you on earth to carry out a specific divine assignment for the Kingdom of God. Nothing about your existence is accidental or unplanned. But your purpose is outside of you. You are not the primary beneficiary of your purpose or existence. No oneContinue reading “Your Created for Something Greater than your Life.”

My Journey of Three Decades to become a professional Social Worker. By Lukonge Achilees.

My journey to success started on 4th/ of January 1993; yes it started on the day I was born when my parents wished success to follow me all the days of my life,. My name is Lukonge Achilles Musaasizi, and I work with PTMOF, Madipha and Lwecop, my parents live in Kisaka Village, Kakuuto SubContinue reading “My Journey of Three Decades to become a professional Social Worker. By Lukonge Achilees.”

This is your destiny, your still here for a reason. By Lukonge Achilees

You have all the answers to your questions and you have the solutions to your problems. Even the things that are out of your control, you can still choose how to react to them and how to respond to them. You have the power to walk away from certain people; people who don’t see theContinue reading “This is your destiny, your still here for a reason. By Lukonge Achilees”

Our Social Work Inspiration quotes to start your day. Good morning Royals.

Social work is founded on noble purposes and provides rewards that can sometimes seem short or insufficient in the face of challenging circumstances. We’ve come up with 15 quotes that are sure to inspire social workers in need of some encouragement. 1) Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going toContinue reading “Our Social Work Inspiration quotes to start your day. Good morning Royals.”

Our Social Work Inspiration quotes to start your day. Good morning Royals.

Social work is founded on noble purposes and provides rewards that can sometimes seem short or insufficient in the face of challenging circumstances. We’ve come up with 15 quotes that are sure to inspire social workers in need of some encouragement. 1) Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going toContinue reading “Our Social Work Inspiration quotes to start your day. Good morning Royals.”

Our Social Work Inspiration quotes to start your day. Good morning Royals.

Social work is founded on noble purposes and provides rewards that can sometimes seem short or insufficient in the face of challenging circumstances. We’ve come up with 15 quotes that are sure to inspire social workers in need of some encouragement. 1) Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going toContinue reading “Our Social Work Inspiration quotes to start your day. Good morning Royals.”

Our Social Work Inspiration quotes to start your day. Good morning Royals.

Social work is founded on noble purposes and provides rewards that can sometimes seem short or insufficient in the face of challenging circumstances. We’ve come up with 15 quotes that are sure to inspire social workers in need of some encouragement. 1) Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going toContinue reading “Our Social Work Inspiration quotes to start your day. Good morning Royals.”

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Andrew McDowell

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