Readers are Leaders, achievers, and successful personalities.

Look at the successful people around you, and check out their attributes. You will find one common attribute in successful leaders; they are readers! They keep reading because curiosity is the foundation of their success. When there is the curiosity, desire and aspiration to learn, that is when people keep on reading and reading toContinue reading “Readers are Leaders, achievers, and successful personalities.”

From Make me understand, parenting and health by Lukonge Achilees

Infant development. How your baby grew and matures Introduction This part covers parenting and child development of infants aged 0 to 2 The goals of this chapter is to survey what is known about how children develop between birth and age 24 months, a period known as infancy. Children develop in many different ways atContinue reading “From Make me understand, parenting and health by Lukonge Achilees”

The Christian Tech-Nerd

-Reviews, Advice & News For All Things Tech and Gadget Related-

Be Inspired..!!

Listen to your inner has all the answers..

Empowered Motivation

Utilizing Your Fullest Potential

Key of All Secret

Precious Pearls From The Deep Sea Of Thoughts


Extraordinary Tales of Nature

Book Escapes with BabsW67

Free holidays start with chapter one. Just turn the page and leave the world behind.

Travelling is my joy of living. Sit back relax and come with me.

Keep it alive

A look at life, achieving good physical and mental health and happiness

Tales Told Different

"I saw the Angel in the marble, and carved until I set him free"

The writer's blogk


Short Prose

Poetry and Prose by Gabriela Marie Milton #1 Amazon Bestselling Poet & Editor, Award Winning Author, Pushcart Prize Nominee

Unique Times

Where I share my jewels of wisdom of life

The Two Sides of Theodorah

Ajal Mary Theodorah

Jakebreh Beats

Original Beats By JakeBreh


GET UP! your ability is greater than your disability


Welcome to Life-Changing Motivation

Digital marketing blog with articles on affiliate marketing, digital marketing and how to make money online without personally selling anything.

Andrew McDowell

An Author of Many Parts