Only 40 days left until release day! Thank you once again for those have supported this very special upcoming release!

I’d like to thank all those who have already supported and are helping promote our project. We greatly appreciate you and we know you will love this book! This time I chose to honor my father’s memory with the release of my First book series that is to be released early next year. It isContinue reading “Only 40 days left until release day! Thank you once again for those have supported this very special upcoming release!”

It’s been a Year Since The Dream from Dust released

It’s been a year since I put “The Dream from Dust” A memoir, up for grabs on Amazon and other major retailers. What a year it’s been! Is it just me or is 2022 flying vby? I can’t believe! And so much happened and so much yet to come. It feels like yesterday I releasedContinue reading “It’s been a Year Since The Dream from Dust released”

The pain of applying the visa on your own is no more, just sit back and relax after filling the form. Apply completely Online with iVisa.

Are you planning to go on vacation, Tour, visit or Work? You can now Apply completely Online with iVisa. One of the key advantages of using iVisa to apply for an overseas visa is that you can complete the entire process online using a single application form. Gone are the days when you had toContinue reading “The pain of applying the visa on your own is no more, just sit back and relax after filling the form. Apply completely Online with iVisa.”

Good News! I am affiliate Marketing member at Ivisa

More than 109,000 people… chose iVisa last year to get their travel documents. That’s because… The application process is quick and with clear instructions From electronic visas, invitation letters, and health declarations to printed/digital photos, IVisa help customers get their travel documentation straightforwardly and 100% online. They also assist with passport renewals for the UnitedContinue reading “Good News! I am affiliate Marketing member at Ivisa”

The Dream from Dust Book Review by Ezann kuai

“Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them” Follow Lukonge Achilees as he recounts his life in his inspirational memoir ” The Dream from Dust”. Through the many challenges of famine, poverty, disease, alcoholism and war, he emphasises the value of pursuing your dream and always being grateful forContinue reading “The Dream from Dust Book Review by Ezann kuai”

The Dream From Dust review by Sena Epeh

Lukonge Achilees’s memoir “The Dream From Dust” is an inspirational read. This book is a one of a kind take on memoirs as it instead focuses more on the external part of their childhood and we very rarely get to know how these things affect the author except for when they write about their reactionsContinue reading “The Dream From Dust review by Sena Epeh”

Review The Dream from Dust by Tabby Jiménez

The Dream From Dust is an inspirational memoir of triumph against all odds. It is the story of Lukonge. M. Achilees, a professional social worker, economist, and IT expert from Uganda, who rose from a challenging background of searing accounts of famine, poverty, diseases, bullying, alcoholism, and war. His book is a passionate and vividContinue reading “Review The Dream from Dust by Tabby Jiménez”

The Christian Tech-Nerd

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Empowered Motivation

Utilizing Your Fullest Potential

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Free holidays start with chapter one. Just turn the page and leave the world behind.

Travelling is my joy of living. Sit back relax and come with me.

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Tales Told Different

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Short Prose

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Unique Times

Where I share my jewels of wisdom of life

The Two Sides of Theodorah

Ajal Mary Theodorah

Jakebreh Beats

Original Beats By JakeBreh


GET UP! your ability is greater than your disability


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Andrew McDowell

An Author of Many Parts