Most Beautiful Villages in Germany. Landberg am Lech

Landsberg am Lech is a town on the Lech River in southwestern Bavaria, Germany. Its all around safeguarded archaic town dividers hold unique pinnacles, including the turreted Bayertor passage. The old town is overwhelmed by the fifteenth century Landsberg am Lech is one of the few places that has ever felt like home. Nestled underContinue reading “Most Beautiful Villages in Germany. Landberg am Lech”

Have you really decided what you want to achieve?

So you want to be successful (whatever that means to you) and you’ve been to the motivational lectures, seminars and you’ve read the latest books on how to make a billion dollars in 17 seconds!!! So where’s you billion dollars? Well, to many of us listen to and read the advice of others but thenContinue reading “Have you really decided what you want to achieve?”

The pain of applying the visa on your own is no more, just sit back and relax after filling the form. Apply completely Online with iVisa.

Are you planning to go on vacation, Tour, visit or Work? You can now Apply completely Online with iVisa. One of the key advantages of using iVisa to apply for an overseas visa is that you can complete the entire process online using a single application form. Gone are the days when you had toContinue reading “The pain of applying the visa on your own is no more, just sit back and relax after filling the form. Apply completely Online with iVisa.”

Good News! I am affiliate Marketing member at Ivisa

More than 109,000 people… chose iVisa last year to get their travel documents. That’s because… The application process is quick and with clear instructions From electronic visas, invitation letters, and health declarations to printed/digital photos, IVisa help customers get their travel documentation straightforwardly and 100% online. They also assist with passport renewals for the UnitedContinue reading “Good News! I am affiliate Marketing member at Ivisa”

The Christian Tech-Nerd

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Empowered Motivation

Utilizing Your Fullest Potential

Key of All Secret

Precious Pearls From The Deep Sea Of Thoughts


Extraordinary Tales of Nature

Book Escapes with BabsW67

Free holidays start with chapter one. Just turn the page and leave the world behind.

Travelling is my joy of living. Sit back relax and come with me.

Keep it alive

A look at life, achieving good physical and mental health and happiness

Tales Told Different

"I saw the Angel in the marble, and carved until I set him free"

The writer's blogk


Short Prose

Poetry and Prose by Gabriela Marie Milton #1 Amazon Bestselling Poet & Editor, Award Winning Author, Pushcart Prize Nominee

Unique Times

Where I share my jewels of wisdom of life

The Two Sides of Theodorah

Ajal Mary Theodorah

Jakebreh Beats

Original Beats By JakeBreh


GET UP! your ability is greater than your disability


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Andrew McDowell

An Author of Many Parts