I will never stop to write! Don’t get distracted by my absence

“Don’t chase dollars or success. Decide to make a difference and build meaningful relationships and success will find you.” Jon Gordon I published 200+ blog post here, countless likes and some comments. It’s not that I’m a prolific blogger but I’ve written here for 6 years now. I thought it a good time to lookContinue reading “I will never stop to write! Don’t get distracted by my absence”

You were the poison that was slowly killing your husband

Once upon a time a beautiful girl got tired of her marriage life and wanted to murder her spouse. One morning she ran to her mother and say to her ” mother, I am tired of my husband I can no longer support his nonsense. I want to kill him but I am afraid LawContinue reading “You were the poison that was slowly killing your husband”

Congratulations you’ve reached the top.

You can have the success of anyone you choose by studying the way in which they arrange their life. They will tell you what you need to do. It’s rare to find one who’ll tell you how to do what they do. Their closely guarded secrets center on a technology called CIAM. This is CompleteContinue reading “Congratulations you’ve reached the top.”

Father did not wake up the next day.

A story to reflect about our live and work life style. Father was a hardworking man who delivered bread as a living to support his wife and three children. He spent all his evenings after work attending classes, hoping to improve himself so that he could one day find a better paying job. Except forContinue reading “Father did not wake up the next day.”

Love Yourself Unconditionally – PART 1

Loving ourselves is something that is much easier said than done. In fact, learning to love and appreciate oneself is something that often gets pushed to the back burner, in favor of life’s many stresses and concerns. However, the relationship we have with ourselves is the most important. In order to truly find your wayContinue reading “Love Yourself Unconditionally – PART 1”

Be involved in your child’s life and opening up opportunities for them.

Take an Interest In Your Child’s Life And Provide Opportunities For Positive GrowthWhile your child is growing it is extremely important for you to be actively involved in their life and provide opportunities for growth if you want them to be full of confidence and be successful. Spending time with your child is really allContinue reading “Be involved in your child’s life and opening up opportunities for them.”

You must teach your child the importance of learning from their errors.

There is no one in our world is perfect so therefore everyone makes mistakes and errors at times. The important thing is that we learn to develop ourselves and learn lessons from our mistakes. We must then use these lessons to keep us from making future mistakes of a similar type. It is all partContinue reading “You must teach your child the importance of learning from their errors.”

Let’s learn to provide responsibilities for the children

Responsibilities in life are very important for a child, especially when it comes to building their confidence. You must be realistic with the responsibilities you set for your child because you do not want to doom them to failure. Setting responsibilities that are too difficult may result in failure which will further lower your child’sContinue reading “Let’s learn to provide responsibilities for the children”

Let your Child Know You Believe In Them

The next step that we will touch base with for creating confidence in your child is letting your child know that you believe in them. This is actually a very simple task to do and requires little effort. However, it is still very important. There are many different ways that you can let your childContinue reading “Let your Child Know You Believe In Them”

When you’re wrong, admit it. Learn to Communicate Effectively

Express your feelings and needs effectively. Your spouse doesn’t have clairvoyant powers. If you want something, ask. If something is wrong, say so. Don’t drop hints or figure they’ll “come around” or you’ll never get anything done. If you want to be able to express how you feel, you should be able to speak with aContinue reading “When you’re wrong, admit it. Learn to Communicate Effectively”

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Empowered Motivation

Utilizing Your Fullest Potential

Key of All Secret

Precious Pearls From The Deep Sea Of Thoughts


Extraordinary Tales of Nature

Book Escapes with BabsW67

Free holidays start with chapter one. Just turn the page and leave the world behind.


Travelling is my joy of living. Sit back relax and come with me.

Keep it alive

A look at life, achieving good physical and mental health and happiness

Tales Told Different

"I saw the Angel in the marble, and carved until I set him free"

The writer's blogk


Short Prose

Poetry and Prose by Gabriela Marie Milton #1 Amazon Bestselling Poet & Editor, Award Winning Author, Pushcart Prize Nominee

Unique Times

Where I share my jewels of wisdom of life

The Two Sides of Theodorah

Ajal Mary Theodorah

Jakebreh Beats

Original Beats By JakeBreh


GET UP! your ability is greater than your disability


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Andrew McDowell

An Author of Many Parts