Book Updates “A breath of life and Hope of Light”

Today, November 4th, marks 60 days (2 months) until release of the first book in Blurred light from West SERIES “A breath of life and Hope of Light” that is set to be released by 4th January 2023. I started this process about 3 years before knowing what the world would be encountering and withContinue reading “Book Updates “A breath of life and Hope of Light””

Halloween is here! Book Series updates:

Gripping, Scary, Sad, Horrific reads! I have two books to make your Halloween memorable ” The dream from dust” available on Amazon and the coming series Few days ago Wednesday my debut Historical series “A breath of Life and Hope of Light” the first in Blurred light from West Series  became  live on Amazon forContinue reading “Halloween is here! Book Series updates:”

My Book “A breath of Life and Hope of Light” the first in “The Blurred light from West Series is Live to Pre-order.

Yesssssss…! Finally it’s live to pre-order as an ebook, lovers of physical paperback and hard cover, you don’t have long to wait. I am thrilled to share with you my new book series “The blurred light from West” book 1 “A breath of life and hope of light” Pre-order date: 26th of October 2022Continue reading “My Book “A breath of Life and Hope of Light” the first in “The Blurred light from West Series is Live to Pre-order.”

I have an update for you!

Yeah! I have been quiet here! I I am so “Sorry” to my readers I have been cooking something new. I have an update for you! I have been receiving lots of messages from people wanting to know my whereabouts, others asking me whether I am safe. I want to clarify and put it rightContinue reading “I have an update for you!”

The Christian Tech-Nerd

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Andrew McDowell

An Author of Many Parts